Pakistan, Terrorism and Human Rights

January 5, 2015 OPINION/NEWS




Muhammad Waqas Awan

The black day of 16th December 2014 can never be wiped from the mind of Pakistani people when the APS was attacked by terrorists and more then 142 children were brutally killed.

The situation turned out to be a game changer in the history of Pakistan as leaving behind all political issues and distances, all parties, be they political, non political and leadership from the forces, sat at the table and decided to eliminate terrorism from the region. Meanwhile, the chief of staff of the Pakistani army also visited the Afghan president to stabilise the country’s borders and prevent extremists from using their land against Pakistan.

The Pakistani leadership had then decided to hang the already accused terrorists but, being a GSP Plus status nation, it was not straightforward for this to happen as the European Union and Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, contacted Prime Minister Nawaz to stop the terrorists being hung as it is against human rights and a violation of international law.

Quite interestingly Pakistan has been fighting a war on terror for the last decade, the nation paying a huge price for the loss of their dear ones, apart from the obvious economic deficit. If hanging the terrorists and killers is against human rights and a violation of international law then under what circumstances was Saddam Hussein sentenced to death by the same method? What about the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami which is under the influence of Sheikh Hasina Wajed; they are hanging them just out of hatred. The innocent people and children killed in Afghanistan and Iraq; wasn’t it a violation of international laws and human rights?!

There are thousands of examples in which the international community is also involved in violations of international law. Pakistan’s boundaries are even being violated, over 369 drone attacks now recorded to date, so under what laws are these being done? Why is this always being done at a time when Pakistan is under the eyes of these so called human rights activists?

The time has now come because the killing of innocent children is a far bigger incident than 9/11, so the European Union and United Nations should support Pakistan for their actions rather then putting them under pressure.

The situation is now or never in the region and after leaving Afghanistan by NATO forces in 2014 is now even more challenging, so the UN and other rights activists must therefore support the agenda of Pakistan in its present condition.






Muhammad Waqas Awan

Political Analyst, Journalist and Human Rights Activist from Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Waqas has been working for various newspapers and magazines as an IR, political analysis expert.


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