2 responses

  1. tanuj
    August 22, 2020

    President of the United States (US) Donald Trump has, for the time being, imposed a halt on a second phase trade deal between US with China. The reason is said being the relationship between the two countries has been severely damaged with Beijing’s handling the COVID-19 outbreak.
    read more…..https://www.flickonclick.com/no-phase-2-trade-deal-between-us-and-china-president-trump/


  2. Tom Arms
    March 15, 2019

    I do not believe that Trump wants a dialogue with Iran as long as it is governed by the Mullahs. What he wants is regime change. The reason is that Trump’s policy is determined by its two Middle East allies– Israel and Saudi Arabia. Israel will push America to snub Iran because Hezbollah– Israel’s chief terrorist adversary– is a creation of and backed by Tehran. Saudi Arabia and Iran have fought each other for supremacy in the Persian Gulf for centuries and the rivalry is exacerbated by religious and racial differences. Trump does what the Saudis want because he wants the Saudis money and oil. He caves into Israel because of pressure from the American Christian religious right and the Jewish lobby.


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