Entrance gate of The House of king Peter I in Belgrade
Sara Lerota
Nine solo exhibitions were held at The House of King Peter 1st in Belgrade during December of 2015. Nine little universes, nine lives streched along the walls of the house that saw and heard so many lives before us. Nine separate worlds all combined into one unity and presented to the audience of Belgrade on December the 11th 2015 at the official opening of the 23rd Art Market project, organised by the members of SCASAs organisation and with support of DKC Mejdan, Savski Venac and Cultural Centre The House of King Peter 1st.

Official memorial room for King Peter I Karadjordjevic at The House of King Peter I in Belgrade, Serbia
Under the guidance of the president of SCASAS organisation Rade Markovic, the exhibiting artists transformed the venue into a space which enabled viewers to jump from one reality into another just by taking a few steps and walking into another room, into another world. These artists are Aleksandra Rakonjac, Natalija Miladinovic, Nikola Ojdanic, Sara Nikolic, Mladen Tusup, Branko Jovanovic, Ester Milentijevic, Luka Dedic and Sara Lerota.
Aleksandra Rakonjac deals with unexplored aspects of dreaming, getting into complicated vastness of human psyche, all while accentuating the existence of multiple realities.
Natalija Miladinovic shows us her view on the subject of segments as parts of a bigger, more complicated unity, and their importance in developing and finally creating an entirety.
Nikola Ojdanic explores the internal struggle of a modern man and all his well hidden conditions and feelings which are visible to him only during those moments of complete honesty towards himself.
Sara Nikolic‘s primary inspiration are horses. Her way of combining such sturdy materials to create a visual presentation of such mobile, delicate and lively animals is extraordinary.
Mladen Tusup succesfully combines visual art in its traditional form with fashion in its modern expression.
Branko Jovanovic uses his graphic works to provide viewers with a direct insight into the subject of returning to one’s roots and keeping past unforgotten.
Ester Milentijevic flows through black, white and red colour to accentuate contrasts in all their forms.
Luka Dedic is continually returning to painting, since colour always inspires him and allows him to get into depths of surreal and different perspectives.
Sara Lerota explores the synergistic effect of contrast, which is the primary focus and a central concept of her current paintings.

Author: Sara Lerota, Medium: acrylics on canvas, Title: A moment in childhood, Dimensions: 100 x 80 cm
It is magnificent to witness the progress of the contemporary art scene of this part of Europe, to see its authenticity and be able to communicate with authors, both through their works and through direct conversation.
The new generation of artists in Belgrade is a jewel of Europe and we are definitely looking forward to seeing the next treat of contemporary art that Belgrade has to offer!
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