Nastasya Tay
Coby Daniels
The Expatriates
Long lines, way longer than your average queue at the butcher’s shop
Eating, sleeping, turning embassies into a shrine
Day in, day out, every move connected like strands of hair to this elusive visa
But still, with chants of “it shall be well” and “let’s try again”
The queues keep growing even as people are bounced
The zeal to fly away into a dream land is of religious magnitude
Just enough to turn the sane, insane
No experience of the destination in mind, just hearsay from connection men
Accounts are cleared, shops closed down, all debts tracked
Cash put together to speed up the process till the formalities are finally checked
Travelling bag, check.
Winter coat, check.
Leather jacket, check.
Bhurger swagger, so high on fleek, check.
Saying good byes like heaven’s best
Some with the intent of never coming back
For they believe that after all, there’s nothing good on offer in this native land
Abroad to them, is that symbol of milk and honey flowing from taps
Trees blooming with the heavy weight currencies they so esteem
Departure dawns and finally, with a flourish they wave adieu
Soon after arrival, the truth hits home
As women are sold, unknowing victims of modern slavery
The men begin to play hide and seek, trying so hard to evade deportation
the tears flow unchecked
As from distant reaches of their consciousness,
they try to recall what made home sweet
The freedom to express, associate, own
The right to life and all its joys
And the greatest ever privilege of all
Criticising the government of the day
So then like prodigals from the sacred tale
They plan, draw out an escape plan
and with the ring of “home sweet home” in ears
They come back,
with a lesson learnt
and a word of caution to the new ones in the queue.
Castle Scenes Before
In Anticipation,
Of this softly whistling wind
I feel as though, I were a part
Of their reluctant march down this road
Through these oaken doors
I shiver looking at the glaring sun touching down
On these gleaming white-washed castle walls
And I feel the echoes of the clanks of chains on manacled feet
Clanks that sounded like the toll of bells
Bells that heralded misery and doom
In this place that stinks of death’s acrid smell
And hope got lost in the sunken eyes of kith and kin
Passed through this door that only expelled
Ticked of a list and crammed all aboard
With fever, hunger and our wealth they stole
An unfathomable trek over fathoms deep
Shipped off to oblivion in conditions steep
Shielding these eyes from the mirrored sea
I trace the imagined path they trod
Hearing the ghostly echoes of weary footfalls
Resigned to fate, like the sea’s ebbs and flows
Exposed flesh blistering from vicious blows
Yet they sang, the womenfolk, of hope
In undertones bereft of all good cheer
Sent into pilgrimage as exiles without identity
Condemned to wander without a destination
Subjected to the scrutiny of judges of nationality
And hang up in the balance, sat their destiny
Taken and wiped clean as a slate
Off culture, dignity and freedom
To be black and bold enough to run our ship
To have the peace to pray and worship
Seeking the counsel of the deities of old
But their coming swept in as a wind so cold
Looting, destructing our self belief
Deliberate, calculating beyond relief
Casting alien contrivances on us
Setting a course different from what
we knew
They showed us civilisation embodied in flashing
knives and polished mirrors
The echoes of the warning bounced back off the
high seas was four centuries too late
We should have read the future from the unbroken surface of water
In the brass pans they proffered
Caught now in a crisis of identity
We children of a defiled yesterday
Yearn to be back in this place of sanctity
But the way back is like a faded map
We are the offshoot of a cultural cocktail
And thus we pine for a home we may never know
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