Lynn White
I am being suffocated by this society,
pushed into a corner until
I can’t breath any more.
Pressed up against
the other screamers,
the can’t breathers.
Crying out.
I am not being suffocated under
the weight of immigration.
Or even the armlocks and bullets
of police out of control.
No, I am being suffocated by
the vile venom of normality
or what has come
to pass for it.
By indifference,
by dishonesty,
by power
used to
What will it take
for us to learn
how to distort
this normality,
how to smother
this sickness
and heal
us all.
How many candles must I light
to commemorate all the dead souls,
all the lives wasted in wars without end.
So many that candle making has become
a profitable industry.
The more deaths,
the more candles.
Will there be anyone left
to light a candle for me?
Lynn White
Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. Her poem ‘A Rose For Gaza’ was shortlisted for the Theatre Cloud ‘War Poetry for Today’ competition 2014. This and many other poems have been widely published, in recent anthologies such as – ‘Alice In Wonderland’ by Silver Birch Press, ‘The Border Crossed Us’ from Vagabond Press and ‘Selfhood’ from Trancendence Zero – and journals such as Apogee, Firewords Quarterly, Indie Soleil, Midnight Circus and Snapdragon as well as many other online and print publications.
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