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Ngozi Olivia Osuoha
Dear December
Dear December
Maker and pointer
Writer and reader
Miner and payer
Burner and lighter
Teacher and preacher
Seer and seeker
Giver of butter,
Saver of sinner
Lover, not hater
Safer, not stiffer
Softer not stricter
Border our border
Sever not the center
Litter not our litre
Bother us never.
Dear December
Singer and mover
Cleanser and layer
Trainer and moulder
Restorer and healer
Reviewer and revealer
Rearer and provider
Sanctifier and purifier
Anointer and announcer
Runner and defender
Shaker and hunter
Discoverer and bearer,
Spoiler of killer
Hammer of slanderer
Dissolver of danger
Builder, not pretender.
A Heavy Pay
There is a ring
With a swing,
It does bring
A tyrant king,
They do sing
For him to swing
And his wing
Bears a string
For a sting.
So day by day
Upon our homeward way
We do pray
For the ray,
Yet troubles slay
Where we stay
And sometimes we stray
Before we lay
Thus, a heavy pay.
Ngozi Olivia Osuoha
Ngozi Olivia Osuoha Is a Nigerian graduate of Estate Management with experience in Banking and Broadcasting. She has published over one hundred poems in over ten countries. Her two longest poems of 355 and 560 verses are available on amazon, THE TRANSFORMATION TRAIN and LETTER TO MY UNBORN respectively. She is a passionate African ink.
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