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Penn Kemp
Insects shrill. A thrum as of clacking bones.
Today tallies a long count of creation cycles.
On this winter solstice we climb our Sacred
Tree to enter wide zones of silence through
the doorway of darkness, our canoe riding
white rivers of night. The elliptic crosses
Milky Way precisely now, when elements
merge in a dark rift of source and return.
Cacti and palm leaves rustle dry in the ruins.
Terror cracks the heart open. Rivulets run
a scarlet sap to appease unknown gods be-
yond us. Blooming and blessing, this wound
wound tight round knots of surmise reveals so
little before our offering is received in sunrise.
The Pageant
On the Moon after Solstice
you dream of hiking contours
to cathedral carol service.
Singing in the cavern of nave,
omphalos to the world, you curve
on a rounded meridian of joy to outer
space, linking with others of like mind.
You race to catch the authors
to know the next act. Old tales
tell themselves new.
You connect fragments, dropping
your lines, dropping me a line
in the cheer of retrieval.
Rings of companions collaborate,
not wanting to merely recapitulate
events of the day or to invent
night’s happenstance.
Something’s given, something
larger than the single self.
Presently you’ll know the story
as it is happening to you.
Singly or together our dreams
direct us, as if night-given leads
to true script. What is real
agitates dream into action.
At peace out there, you spot a plug,
an electric cord on the floor of
the heavens. You switch on
the globe.
The earth lights incandescent.
Penn Kemp
Penn Kemp is an activist Canadian poet, playwright and editor. Her latest works are two plays celebrating local hero and explorer, Teresa Harris, produced in 2017 and published by Playwrights Guild of Canada. Recent books include Barbaric Cultural Practice (quattrobooks.ca/books/barbaric-cultural-practice/) and two anthologies edited, Women and Multimedia and Performing Women (http://poets.ca/feministcaucus/livingarchives/). See www.pennkemp.weebly.com.
I love these poems. They're so fabulous, and musical to the soul...
Has a beautifully mystical tone. Nicely done!