Barry Stock photo
Amy Aves Challenger
tell us the names of the killers
tell us the names of the
of the man
the grocer
the sports store owner
the legislator who
supports the automation
of death
assembling lines of lightening
quick thirsty
crafting names creative
(How bout AR-15 that’s catchy!)
enough to kill
a row of little classmates
to bury liberty in tiny
while the rest of us tweet
what’s national about a rifle
holes dug full of 17 dreams
what’s American about killing
a child, the liberty of a classroom
what’s debatable about
the pursuit of perks
about picketing on steps
and streets and
broken and angry
and weeping…
tell us
tell us the names of the
pow pow
“pow pow”
his fingers pointed and spoke
his pretty lips smacked and blew
round holes of little words
like new buds
“pow pow”
a twelve year old
could barely speak my language but
“pow pow”
he said again
“papa” his eyes turned downward
like fading moons
“your father?” I asked
“your papa?” I asked again
(why does this surprise you stupid
I thought…)
eyes barely dry
warm throat barely swallowing
the truth
(of course his father)
we opened the gate
“In Syria?” I asked
his head shaking, his body moving on
“I’m sorry,” squawked my words
panging against his soft coat
down to a concrete floor
bouncing about bare brown walls
drying with cigarette smoke
where refugees huddled
and little boys told short short stories
to pamper people
like me
who would leave this place
anytime we liked
“pow pow”
he said
(how… I thought
Amy Aves Challenger
Amy Aves Challenger is an American expat living in Switzerland who writes essays, fiction, poetry and opinion work published in Washington Post, Huffington Post, MOPS International Magazine, Brain, Child Magazine and other publications. Her poetry and short story have been published in an anthology Secrets and Dreams by Kind of a Hurricane Press, and she’s attempting to finish a novel about a family raising a child with differences. Additionally she’s gathering her poetry into a chapbook while leading creative writing workshops in Zürich Switzerland and volunteering to work with refugee kids and families weekly.
Strong and sad. When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?!