Reuters photo
Alem Hailu G/Kristos
Ouroboros is its own meal
The same is true with
Those from their own country that steal!
To hamstrung the incumbent
Most party members are not hesitant.
Ouroboros, they adore their party,
Which they obliviously or
Otherwise sully with
A rent-seeking identity.
They adore the incumbent
Yet they spell nation’s
Slow but sure death
Siphoning budget earmarked
For infrastructure, education,
Agriculture and health.
They adore their party
That took power
But with a dead face
That lets them, with
Nation’s wealth, take a shower.
They adore their party,
However with their bureaucratic logjams,
Create on nation’s developmental
Thrust encumbrance.
Yet they entertain
A wild dream
Their party could
Let the country
Forward advance.
They support their party
As a Scare (self-defeating) tactic
Sees better
For social justice
Requesting demonstrators
To scatter
Shooting one or two
With a sniper.
’cause what they enunciate
“We adore”
Citizens abhor
Marking it stifling and “a bore”.
Worse still
Barefaced they entertain
No shame or fear
Using ‘public media’
“I kill thee
Because I love thee!”
To din in people’s ear.
Alem Hailu G/Kristos
A published poet, novelist, editor, translator of masterpieces, literary critic, playwright and journalist from Ethiopia. M.A holder in literature, Addis Ababa University.
Looking for a traditional publisher of a collection of poems. My novel: ‘Hope from the debris of hopelessness’.
Thank you Hiwot you are right
Alem, What a powerful and illuminating Poetry! The existent truth exposed confidently with out a dread of harassment is what Ethiopia as well as all humanity deserves! As you pinpointed, NO more using public media to broadcast the egocentric and sarcastic slogan, “I kill thee because I love thee!” I was living with an obnoxious feeling of impossibility asking, "Who can save Ethiopians from the crafty mauling of these devils incarnate?" My ONLY hope was the Divine intervention of the Mighty Hands of God. Now I am joyful experiencing His Word which says that He makes Pathways where there are absolutely NO possibilities of pathways in human power! Glory to Him! Dr. Abiy respectfully asked all of us to pray for and work with him. Let the God of David protect him from the enemies of One and United Ethiopia!! To live and see more wonders, let us keep on stretching our Ethiopian hands to the Lord for praise as well as supplication !!! Hiwot Hailu