Konrad Lembcke photo
Stephen Philip Druce
Plain Old Crazy
I knew I wasn’t crazy when I saw
the real crazy people in action.
I once saw a guy marching down
the road wearing trousers that were
ten inches too short, with a self-assured
swagger as if they were a good fit. Presumably
he’d chosen not to return to the clothes store
to exchange the trousers for a pair with a more
suitable size, but instead to parade the streets
with the adopted fashion persona of a circus clown.
“I’m going on a skiing holiday” I heard somebody
say. A novice skier that doesn’t walk with any
measure of grace and style, let alone fly off an ice
mountain at a high velocity on a pair of sticks,
surely has a high probability of inflicting self-injury
on the slopes. Yes there’s something a little foreboding
about the rock-solid jagged terrain that can really mess
with your no-broken-bones holiday policy. Olympic
standard skiers get injured don’t they?. So what makes
a rookie skier exempt from such severe risks when
they’re perhaps a manager of a launderette?.
Bungee jumpers are crazy too. Why not leap off a high
bridge tied to an elastic band and experience the irresistible
opportunity to suffer spinal damage and whiplash?. “Motorcycling
is the freest way to travel” they say. Yes free to travel over a roadside
fence and three fields in a high speed post-impact scenario. And what
about the crazy people who have no fear of flying in an aeroplane?.
“You have more chance of getting struck by lightning than crashing
in a plane” you hear them say. Well I’d rather be hit by lightning than
nosedive from thirty thousand feet into an ocean bed that is so deep
there are creatures living there with spaghetti-shaped teeth and one eye.
Then there’s the crazy people that undergo plastic surgery.
Why not put your blind faith in a bogus surgeon, who may
consequently render you with half a chin and no nostrils?.
“Why did I go through with it?” they say in the post-op catastrophe.
It’s because you were hasty, cheap and crazy. You entrusted a ‘surgeon’
with credentials that extended to that of pottery class teacher. They did
a botch job, scarpered with your cash and now you breathe through your ears.
The crazy people, you know the type: train spotters, astrologists, football
hooligans, picnic enthusiasts, owners of dangerous dogs – “It’s ok he won’t
bite, as long as you don’t breathe”. The ocean surfer who lost all his limbs
and torso from numerous Great White shark attacks, but will not be deterred
from going back into shark-infested waters to surf again. “I can still roll my
remaining head onto a surfboard” he says. Of course there is nothing more
aesthetically pleasing to a beach lady than watching a human coconut on
a giant pitta bread riding a wave.
How about the crazy participators of body tattooing?.
you know the best way to pamper your soft, elegant,
silky skin?. Deface it with ink. Ink! – a substance that
if spilt over your coffee table would spark a major
household crisis. But your precious velvety skin?. Screw
it!, you’re good to go and vandalise it all with tacky
meaningless ink stains. Plain old crazy.
A New Challenge
“I need to explore my inner-self, I need to feel a sense
of achievement, I need a new challenge”.
“Wash the dishes once a year then” said the wife.
“No dear, I need a sterner test, so I’ve decided I’m going
to climb Mount Everest”.
“Climb Everest?, ha! ha!, let’s see you climb out of the
bath without getting your fat ass stuck for once” she said.
“Well I won’t be climbing alone. I have summoned the help
of two fine mountaineers”.
“Really?, iconic names no doubt. Who are they then?” she said.
“Well naturally Ted Slop and Bob Splodge”.
“Who?, ha! ha!, and what are their credentials?” she said.
“Credentials?, please show me some due respect for these
courageous men. Ted Slop has climbed more ladders as a
window cleaner than you’ve had hot dinners, and Bob Splodge
is very accomplished with ropes: a runner-up in the boy scouts
tug-of-war team competition for Cornwall in 1979. Yes these
two talented men are all the support I’ll need to get me up the
mountain, except for maybe half a dozen Sherpas to help carry the
beer. No I definitely need something that will sort the men out
from the boys”.
“You mean like overgrown nasal hair?. I’m curious, what’s your
planned route approach to the summit, the south east route in
Nepal, or the northern route in Tibet?” she said.
“Neither actually. We’ll be climbing in a perfectly straight vertical
line. This will save time and ensure we’re back home in time for
the pre-arranged victory celebration party and buffet of sausage
rolls and cheese and pineapples on sticks”.
The night before the flight to Nepal my fellow climbers and I slept
over at my apartment, making final preparations. In the morning
I discovered I’d lost my apartment key. We had no option but to
climb down the drainpipe on the outside of the apartment building,
six floors up. As we slid down attached to ropes I suddenly lost my
grip and in desperation I swung my ice pick into the building wall,
which caused a large gaping hole in the brickwork and plaster.
I could see through the hole into Fat Mavis’s apartment as she took
a shower.
“This climbing lark is giving me altitude sickness, I’m hallucinating,
I’m getting horrible visions” said Ted.
“Me too” I said, “have you seen Fat Mavis naked?”.
Mavis feeling violated, reached out through the hole and tried to
push us all off the ropes. Consequently she fell out of the building
and fell on top of Bob. The four of us became entangled and squashed
together in a messy pile.
“Oxygen mask!” cried Bob.
“No need for oxygen Bob, we’re at a lower altitude now” I said.
“No it’s not that, Fat Mavis is sitting on my face” he said.
Finally we dropped down to the street exhausted. My wife was there
waiting for me. I told her “hey I lost my apartment key, we had to exit
through the window and climb down”.
“Yeah I know, I took the key from out of your trouser pocket”.
“What? are you nuts?, why did you do that?” I said.
“Well I just wanted to see how you’d do as a climber. Now I know
you can get your fat ass back into the apartment and wash the dishes”
she said.
Do Goldfish?
I wonder if goldfish drink
the same water they swim in?.
They can’t leave the tank so
they must do.
So they must pee
in the tank too.
They must drink
their own pee
I couldn’t drink
my own pee.
I don’t know if a goldfish
could drink my pee but
I couldn’t.
I couldn’t drink
goldfish pee either.
If I was a goldfish
I’d drink the
water before
I peed into it
so I wouldn’t have to
drink my own pee.
As long as
there wasn’t already
some pee in
the water from
the last pee
I had in there,
or if another
goldfish had peed
in there before
I got the chance to
drink any water.
If I lived in a
goldfish tank I’d keep
all my pee in
my bladder.
It would be better than
peeing all my pee
into the tank and then
having to drink it.
Mind you if I kept
drinking the water and
didn’t have a
pee, there wouldn’t be
any pee or
water left to
swim in – or drink.
All the pee would
be in my
bladder, and nothing
can swim
in a bladder.
In a empty
goldfish tank I’d
have to pee
a lot of pee into
it so I
could swim.
I wonder if goldfish
really do drink
the same water
they swim in, or
indeed if they pee
in the tank?.
The water never turns
yellow does it?.
The water would turn
yellow if I peed
into it.
Maybe goldfish pee is
the same colour as
water so you
don’t see it
going in.
You’d notice my
yellow pee going
into a
tank of water.
If goldfish pee is
the same colour as
water you wouldn’t
be able to
tell if the tank
was full of
pee or just
water, unless they
don’t pee.
But if they
drink water they
must do.
Stephen Philip Druce
Stephen Philip Druce is a poet from Shrewsbury in the U.K. He has previous publications with The Playerist, Cake, Muse Literary Journal, Ink Sweat And Tears, The Inconsequential, The Taj Mahal Review and Spokes.
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