Africa-China Relations

September 10, 2018 Africa , Asia , China , Opinion , OPINION/NEWS

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Joseph Besong



Africa as a continent has suffered from colonial hands. It’s not a secret that European powers, notably the French, English, German, Portuguese, Dutch, and others were in Africa during the scramble for colonies in this part of the world. They came to grab the natural resources and also for a ready market. They also had the opportunity to annex certain parts of Africa. Apart from colonization, European powers brought in missionaries who sowed the words in Africa. They brought in another form of religion known as Christianity. Today, the Chinese are in full force in the continent for what is becoming another friendship different from what happened in the 1880s. The Chinese are everywhere in Africa doing basically anything to make an impact for themselves.



China Businesses in Africa


Many are questioning the role China plays in Africa today. A lot of critics are of the opinion that China’s presence in Africa is more of a blessing to the Chinese than to the Africans. Thus, they claimed Africa needs to be careful and watched China from a distance. Those critics believe China’s infiltration has deprived the common African of his/her livelihood. The Chinese businesses operating in Africa now compete with the local traders in small businesses. This has led to some inhabitants in Africa losing customers because they are unable to meet with the Chinese businesses that make use of highly sophisticated equipment. The critics also accuse China of dumping cheap China made goods in Africa. The truth of this is that China has not been able to establish any industry or factories in the continent which would have helped reduce unemployment among the graduates in most Africa countries. This is a big concern for those who feel China ought to do more if they really want to change the face of Africa.



Chinese Constructions in the Continent


It’s true that the Chinese are building schools, hospitals and roads but the ramifications will be huge in the future. The Chinese are not building these structures for free. The Africans will pay back the loan with interest. Some Africans are happy with the fact that the social amenities are there. They compare the trend with aids given to Africa by others nations that end up in the pockets of politicians in Africa. This to many is a win-win situation.



China-Africa Leaders’ Summits


Recently there was a meeting that brought together Chinese and African leaders, not leaving out businessmen and women from the continent. This third summit as usually focuses on the relations between China and Africa. During such summits, the emphasis is to consolidate relations between China and Africa.


Now that Africa is an emerging economy, China is not wasting time to grab more benefits from the continents. Despite criticism, China is not backing down. They are taking advantage of the vast land that exists on the continent for future growth especially in agriculture. Many are really not optimistic of the way things are going on between the Chinese and Africa especially as the continent remains poor and under-developed. The unemployment rate has risen with no hope for the young people.


The only way China can proof to the average African that they real is to improve the lives of these young people. The best way to do this is to construct manufacturing industries in the continent and teach Africans better ways of doing business. In this way, the majority of Africans will be self-reliant and their standard of living will obviously improve for the better.


It will be a good thing if relations between Africa and China improved. It will be better for a win-win situation, not the other way round. African growth requires a total change of mentality and trustworthy China relations. There is a need for Chinese investment in the continent to fill the gap brought about due to the absence of industries and companies in recent years. After all, today the Chinese are more open in inter marriages with their African counterparts. A better Africa will be a good home for the Chinese-African siblings.





joseph besong

Joseph Besong

I am the editor-in-chief of Kilimandjaro radio. I hail from Africa, precisely from Cameroon in Central Africa.

I did my secondary education at Bishop Rogan College Soppo-Buea located in the South West Region of Cameroon. After graduation, I proceeded to the University of Buea-Cameroon where I read English minor in Journalism and Mass Communication. I later worked in Cameroon as a broadcaster with Two radios namely Radio Evangelum and CBS Radio all located in Buea.

Presently, I work with Kilimandjaro radio, an online radio station based in Canada.

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