
October 15, 2018 Poetry , POETRY / FICTION

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Karen Olshansky




Storm Warnings



I am the eye,

Stormy, wild, unchecked,

I will tear you up, spit you

out. I care not, destruct

and destroy my only

motive. What was once

a two story home with glass

windows greeting the sea,

a kitchen wafting smells

of chocolate chip cookies

inviting guests to lounge,

converse and connect I have

now reduced to splinters

with only a wrinkled photo of past

reunions, an arm of a teddy bear,

a single fork, a refrigerator door.

With your gas guzzling cars, your spewing

smokestacks you poison the planet.

Don’t blame me.

I am the result of deniers,

of human neglect.

Keep feeding me, I am coming for you.






Karen Olshansky

Karen Olshansky is an LCSW psychotherapist who practiced in Richmond, Virginia for 32 years. Since her retirement, she writes poetry, is active in political affairs, and is a certified Advanced Care Directive facilitator with Honoring Choices Virginia. She will have a poem appearing in the soon to be published James River Poet’s Anthology.

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