Alec Perkins photo
Ben White
Taxing the Silence of Interest
Jeffersonian education,
Healthcare, social services,
Defense, farm subsidies,
School lunches, infrastructure,
Assistance for the poor –
People keeping score
Say don’t help the needy,
Or the huddled masses,
And don’t use the government
To lift the less fortunate
Out of poverty
Because those people –
Those people –
Need to work
And pay their own way…
So American society
Complains about paying taxes
While not thinking twice –
Maybe not thinking at all –
About paying the interest
On credit and debt
That funds the leisure,
The luxury,
The lifestyle
Of Capitalists
Who do nothing
More productive
Than discover ways
To make more money,
As we pay
For someone else’s penthouse
At 15% APR
Ben White
Author of the books, Buddha Bastinado Blues and The Kill Gene, Ben White thought he was a poet, only to find out he is not a poet at all. He is a witness. What he writes is testimony.
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