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Vatsala Radhakeesoon
Standing Alone
Truth, Justice, Honesty –
These paths are often lonely
but to my heart, mind and soul,
they are perfectly friendly
Shallowness, Cowardice, Hypocrisy, Mediocrity
sing the comfort zone song –
the mundane song
amidst the huge crowd
but I refuse to join in
I’m often called “Stupid”
I’m often called “Naive”
I’m often called “Loser”
But I don’t give in
I’m not scared to walk alone,
I’m not solitude phobic,
for some fake, temporary happiness
never will I sell my soul
Up till my last breath,
I will stand alone if I have to
because I know that
within me there’s a leader, a winner
Someone, somewhere on Earth
always has to bell the cat.
A person of ethics often fights a lonely battle but it fulfills you despite failure. Good lyric by a young poet. Keep it up Vatsala R.