Carol Parris Krauss
Found Poem
My Twitter Feed 12/14/18 9:05 a.m.
Sometimes ghosts cause men to arrest.
The parents chose to take these risks
by dragging their children through deadly conditions
Pro-some lives.
Former Tiger proves his worth.
Every hour that passes, another crime is revealed.
Think of the seeds and bulbs in the dirt.
Flew an 8-year old boy from the Democratic Republic
of Congo to LA.
Let’s spend that money on infrastructure.
Just burst into tears.
Big time players.
Big time teams.
Unable to find fit for Chief of Staff.
Why should we take his word.
This is a daunting task.
I give you permission to buy yourself a present.
She hadn’t eaten or consumed water in days.
Unconscious and leaving her in her own vomit.
A leader, a mentor, a role model.
It is possible to be grateful & ambitious.
Kanye has been tweeting so long.
Time is precious.
I Honestly never thought about facts.
I can be a voice.
Don’t ever give into dehumanizing rhetoric
about caravans and immigrants
God’s got us.
Carol Parris Krauss
Carol Parris Krauss is a mother, educator, and poet from the Tidewater region of Virginia. She was recently recognized as one of the 2018 Best New Poets by the University of Virginia Press. Her work can be found at Story South, The SC Review, Poetry 24, New Verse News, the Amsterdam Quarterly, and other online and print venues.
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