The Lines of Sin

August 22, 2017 OTHER

Cristian Newman photo



Hazel Speed


As former generations pass away, so do some wonderful expressions of former years, one of these coming to mind the other day; “The Lines of Sin.”

In modern terms it means that in respect of some people whom we know, or hear others talking about, they are considered to have led a dubious life in one way or another, and looking at their faces one can see furrows, or lines across their countenance which betrays their ‘sins.’

Similarly, it is said certain social addictions are obvious to deduce, but that is a different matter and usually through need of medical intervention.  However there is a certain look common to all having the same medical-related issues.

Reverting to the reference of ‘the lines of sin,’ what caused me to recall the expression was coming across a photograph of someone online whom I had known decades ago. They were now quite old, but the lines of sin across their face were self evident.

It states in the Bible that we must not Judge if we in turn do not wish to be Judged, and it also states that all men (and women) have fallen short of the Glory of God.

So what I am about to clarify is said purely to quantify why I make the reference to the old expression about the lines of sin, without identifying the person concerned in any way.


When I first knew them, they were quite young, and slowly as the years progressed they acquired a rather inflated ego.  I knew their Parents in those days and some other family members.

All through this person’s life, by all accounts and some observations, however, I discovered the person concerned fell upon success after success, and began to believe it was their natural ability, despite knowing that others with more talent never had the same luck, nor did they have others to pull the same strings for them as this person had, for which they also never thanked any of those who helped them, as they had attained all on their own in that person’s mind, despite others helping the person to jump queues.

They had been a far nicer person when they were young and penniless.  This is why the Bible states it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter the Kingdom of God.  Not that being wealthy is a sin in its own right but that it changes some people and not for the best.

This person boasted and bragged, and trod over influential people, using their contacts, sometimes stealing their friends.  They ‘built many barns’ as the story is told, e.g. planning and building a few houses, and also reaching the top of their chosen profession, but forgetting their heritage and left some behind from their earlier beginnings

They were selective in their charity endeavours, but tried to emulate TV evangelists regarding their faith, (though their chosen career was not in the church), especially if others were noticing, yet they neglected some who would have been first on another person’s list in need of help.  The world was impressed by all they did, but little impressed them in return.

One person, apparently, told this person that it was a good job they were not in politics as they were such a powerful and charismatic speaker, the world would follow them anywhere!

I myself saw it wisest not to be associated with this person, even from a distance, as I saw the destruction in their wake and heard awful stories which were corroborated by others to be true.  I was not one on their chosen list so it was easy for me to fade into a different background, for which I was most grateful.


Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray‘ is a type of reversal whereby a person sold his soul to the devil as long as the individual kept their youthful looks.

The consequences were that a portrait of that person had to be hidden in the attic as it aged in their stead and ended up disfigured with lines of sins after each time the man in the storyline committed same.  Only upon his death did the portrait return to normal and the lines of sin were transferred to the countenance of the dead person, who immediately aged.

Before leaving the online photograph, I thought two things, firstly, how funny that their face showed the inner person and their life deeds via their lines of known sins, then secondly, how sad, as they were nearing the end of their life and like all of us they will stand before their professed God one day who knows all our hearts.

We will be asked to account and unless we are Saints, then we will inevitably fall short and will be relying on God’s mercy and forgiveness.

The person of whom I speak herein does profess a faith yet I have known people without any declared faith, but who lived Godly lives from what is seen and known about them.  Quite a contrast between the two examples and one which only God can determine.

There is a big difference, however, when we face God with a pure heart where our countenances reflect the same image as that on any portraits we may have of ourselves.





Hazel Speed

Photo (c) Hazel Speed – used by kind permision to Tuck Magazine

Hazel Speed is a Philosopher, Writer, and Artist with various creative projects at differing stages of development. Her flaship project is an animation which has produced a film short: She has also written an E-novel, ‘Just Suppose…!‘ which is available via the attached link.

Art sites:

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