January 1, 2012 ART/PHOTOGRAPHY




An Mayou’s lens see the things we have yet to think. Her large, diverse catalogue of work offers an alternate perspective, the following five taking us to places rarely seen; each from the inside layers of the same simple shell.

I first discovered this artist’s work through her writing as @perlygates, it coming as no surprise on first experiencing her images that she had formal training in the visual arts. Each piece provokes a new thought and feeling, a different light illuminating even the darkest of images, all at once open to the mind’s eye. Often quirky in tone, An looks at the world not only through an artist’s skilled eye, but at the same time outside it, offering multiple points of view and perception. The sign of a true visual artist. An’s work has exhibited in numerous galleries but these now need to be experienced by so many more, technology being the first to answer that call.


~Michael Organ

Art and Photography Editor for Tuck






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