February is the chameleon of our calendar, a time of transition, from one season to another. Every four years it is the rebel month, leap yearing us into March but also boasting ownership of St. Valentine’s Day, when lovers, roses and chocolate sweeten up what is traditionally looked on with disdain as the month of the endless winter blahs.
Because it is an interval month between winter and spring there is an atmosphere during February of reflection and taking stock in preparation for a season of rebirth and new beginnings. For us at Tuck this is especially true, as we are once again expanding our approach to incorporating all areas of the arts. In March we will be adding film to our growing repertoire of creative expression, with the indie bent we love and promote so much in Tuck. This month however we have something truly special to make that transition from winter to spring an entertaining and delightful experience courtesy of indie singer/songwriter Taryn Laronge. Taryn took some time from her hectic schedule to talk with me about songwriting, the music business, activism, and her love affair with the muse. In addition, her single ‘Climbing’ is the feature video for this issue and if you haven’t heard her yet, you need to. Taryn Laronge is an exciting blend of Tori Amos and Sarah Maclachlin set on fire with the passion of an artist who has lived life and has something to say about the human condition.
Our poets for February run the gamut. Sometimes whimsical, other times jagged and raw but always true to the spirit of feeling and thought as only a poet can be.
Photography and art for February are visually astounding and editor Michael Organ has this month delivered medicine to soothe your sick of winter spirit with more than a spoonful of the sweet stuff to help it go down. Peter Seelig and Sandra Wichman will remain with you for days after you see their view of life through their art.
Selma Sargent our books editor brings you a book review by Peter Wilkins and his choice of literature is particularly poignant, his review succinct and intriguing of the novel Sisyphusa by author Michael Richmond.
We have two short stories for February that are truly so original they defy description and must be experienced rather than simply read.
Of course, we couldn’t completely ignore Valentines Day here at Tuck, what with our poetic hearts all in a flutter over the muse. Therefore, our flash fiction for February is all about the chocolate and written with the sweet tooth in mind.
Enjoy the rest of February and know that we are always grateful to you, our readers and your support for what we are attempting to do at Tuck is deeply appreciated. We write always for you.
Val B. Russell
Managing Editor
A great issue as always, Val. I don’t know how you do it!
I don’t do it alone, that’s how! I have two irreplaceable elves named Selma Sargent and Michael Organ helping me. 😉 Thank you Selma, making this issue even better than the last one. We shall rock on sister into March.