February 2, 2014 Poetry , POETRY / FICTION














Yolanda Isabel Regueira Marin



The lights go down,

Silence falls upon the theatre.

Soft music plays,

Slow curtain starts to rise,

A spotlight shines upon the stage.

Audience seats in anticipation,

With bated breath and pounding heart.

Minutes pass by,

A murmur fills the air,

The Star to bring the stage to life.

 Just down the hall,

Secluded dressing room,

On the door a faded Star,

Announces whose within.

Inside in half-light she sits frozen,

Amongst the make up and the costumes,

Half dressed, her hair in curls,

Painted face and hollow eyes.

A mere reflection in the mirror.

The Star,

Once shining bright,

Renowned for beauty rare,

Now lined with age,

And scarred with self abuse.

A body limp against a chair,

White magic scattered,

Bottle still clutched against her breast.

The lights go down,

Sounds of applause a distant call,

She takes a bow and slips away,

No more her life an empty stage.








Yolanda Isabel Regueira Marin



A gaze, a lingering look,

Drawing a long withheld response.

Some whispered words, a soothing voice,

Opens closed corners of the mind.

Tentative smile, an upturned grin,

A fluttering heart missing a beat.

Hand upon hand, fingers entwined,

A tender touch, a brush of lips.

Creates a tingling warmth,

A spreading flame,

Igniting into fire.

A catch of breath, a quiver.

Two bodies melting into one.

A timeless moment … 


Pages: 1 2 3


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