Santosh Kumar Pokhrel
Left impaired on the hillock
As an old woman with wrinkles
In stream sides, in the crinkles
Narrating history of the old, since the earth’s evolution
The history till untold,
With vigor high
But with her suppressed sigh
Of her much bold,
She a gold!
Represents very old epoch
Endurance this long not a joke!
This much a long way her walk
Lo hear her talk!
How long she stands
The nature’s mock?
She a high heart
Playing well her part
She a real rock!
Smiles as if sated,
Though trouble inside her
To some extent abated,
With human smell;
This been a long tale.
She wishes face her peal
In her vigor in her zeal
And circumstances to reveal
She is still in seal.
She wishes burst
In this hurst
Crying far this way
Oh someone give her way!!!
Quite often these days
These mere days
And these days of my course
My bare days
I get up right from my bed
And plunge into my thought
That many a times
My grudge fought out;
For a meaningful abstract
And feels as if this life
Were a real fact!
The Cloud
Hugging the trees of wild
Kissing peaks sharp and mild
Pervading the whole sky
Goes up high and high.
Wishes touch brooks and streams
And splashes of the river brims
May she go over peasant’s field!
For showers she should yield!
Dazzling sun beams in custody
In her bewitching beauty,
Dives into seas and ocean,
In her meek and mild motion.
Fetches rain on barren farms
O cloud, we hail your charms!
Thanks Tuck for giving space to my poems. Regards!