Tattoos – Hello John, Got a new motor?

September 1, 2016 OPINION/NEWS


Hazel Speed

Imagine the scene, you find yourself face to face with a Policeman or Policewoman who ‘could’ have a funny tattoo on their arms, hands, face or neck. How would that affect one’s view of them, would people want to be more helpful or less so?

In part, this is also a generational thing – most older people would not be impressed and could raise a formal complaint. Many younger members of the public may even have a tattoo themselves so could be impressed.

The National Police Federation think it is time to be more liberal so as not to deter otherwise fine new recruits.

The Metropolitan Police remain stoic in maintaining their strong disapproval to the point of disciplinary action against any offender.

Within the two links herein it is unfortunate there is shown a photograph of Mrs Cameron’s own tatoo on her heel, given that her husband refused to answer a specific media question years ago (which ‘may’ induce some into taking the reply as a yes), as if he had indeed replied with a ‘yes’ then he could have been helping Police with their enquiries. As the Yorkshire saying advises, ‘If in doubt, say nowt’!

We are, by our appearance and/or reactions expressing our morality to those who know how to read different dress codes or interpret statements.

You see, certain personal morality which an individual may possess would invariably preclude any inappropriate type of clothing to be worn as most of us are true to ourselves in everything we do or wear, often without realising it. Others display their views without speaking a word but by attitude, replies (or not) to questions. (A vote loser for some!) Their body language is another indicator.

It is accepted that there are always exceptions to the rule, but they infrequently turn up, well not to the studious eye at least, because they are just that, an exception. Bluff and/or confidence, linguistic skills, accents, even nuances of class, they all have within, particular reference points as the ‘guilty’ or ‘innocent’ character will more often than not emerge.

Tattoos are indicators when worn by a Policeman or Policewoman as a question is thereby raised in the mind of the public who notices the artwork or phrase – “Is this uniformed person flexible or open to having a liberal view of a crime?”

“Would he ‘look after his friends’/or enemies come to that?”

“If he or she cannot adhere to the values of an old ‘copper’, do they all ‘draw the line’ in different places? Would they accept a bribe, turn a blind eye?”

Granted they may be honest, beyond corruption and help old ladies across the street.

Some would be only too thrilled to actually see any Police personnel in their street without having to go to the Notting Hill Carnival, whether the Police were on duty wearing a tattoo or not, but others would prefer no Police presence rather than to see them wearing a tattoo and some older or nervous people may feel uneasy letting them in their homes as one hears so many stories of confidence people these days. What if they are unaware of the debate about tattoos then one has to admit that if Police personnel knocked on your door, tattoo saying ‘Sheila/Dave forever” on one hand or an image of a butterfly on the other, would you want to let them in your house, even if they had Identification – what an incongruous mix. A tattoo today but what will it be tomorrow?

Ok, so we are no longer living in the days of Dixon of Dock Green (search Google “evening all”), but somehow most people prefer Police personnel to be different to the rest of us and maintain old fashioned standards. I know I do. What do you think?







Hazel Speed

Photo (c) Hazel Speed – used by kind permision to Tuck Magazine

Hazel Speed is a Philosopher, Writer, and Artist with various creative projects at differing states of development. Her flaship project is an animation which has produced a film short:

Art sites:


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