Jenny Santellano
Jenny Santellano
Winner Takes All
They bomb us
and we keep
the cameras
rolling as the
injured and dead
into the background
of their fake concern
for our well being
How many punches
do we have to take
before they call it
a tie or crown the title
on the highest bidder?
In exchange for the
withering of humanity
we get a fist full of their
filthy dollars in the form
of a tax credit or an extra
two points off some
millionaire’s mortgage
Make sure you arm
yourself, so you can
drop dead from a drug
dealer’s stray bullet
as some rookie cop
finishes sexting a sixteen
year old whilst stuffing his
face with his last bite
of a Krispy Crème doughnut
It’s a free-for-all in this
so-called free enterprise,
so make sure you take
what you can at the
expense of others
Let’s make America
fail again
Game on!
P C K PREM, thank you.
Good. Meaningful pck