Mrs May vs Mr Corbyn: A Question of Honour

May 22, 2017 Opinion , OPINION/NEWS , POLITICS , UK

AFP/Reuters photo



Hazel Speed


Ruth Davidson, the Official Opposition (Conservative representative) of Nicola Sturgeon SNP, First Minister for Scotland, has always been loyal to her Conservative Party and Mrs May, that is, until now.

Scotland is far colder than England, especially in winter months. Consequently, Ruth Davidson is going against her Conservative Party line, as she wants the elderly to retain their Winter Fuel Allowances contrary to Mrs May’s Manifesto launched recently.

As a child, my Scottish Mother, and English Father, often took me to Fraserburg, Aberdeenshire, for holidays, a famous fishing town, my Mother’s home town, which has a glorious beach (huge sand dune) and impeccable cemetery just beyond.

Even in the summer months, the climate was often on the chilly side, or as Comedian Billy Connolly aptly puts it, Aberdeen is Gaelic for hypothermia.

I grew up knowing all about the fishing industry, running around the fishing nets that were hung out to dry on the links. Also, I was privileged to visit houses and meet the women who crafted the nets and saw them being made.

I was told the history of the Scottish Covenanters, and met some of my Uncles who had fought in famous Scottish Regiments. Although I was born in Yorkshire, England, I remain proud to this day of my Scottish heritage, and always grew up thinking the UK Constituent Countries as one Family.

Mrs May has tapped the wrong nerve if true ‘blue people’ such as Ruth Davidson are willing to defy her.

The Prime Minister would be a ‘bigger person’ if she withdrew the elements regarding winter fuel reforms from her Manifesto. Whilst she is at it, the social care issue should also be retracted and another solution found.

It was touching to see Mr McDonnell (Labour), making a TV appeal regarding the same issue. Unprecedented.

When true blue supporters in Christchurch, Hampshire are also reluctantly voting for her, as Mrs May is the only Brexit game left in any political town, they are only voting for her because of that, otherwise they have openly said (some in radio interviews) she would not be getting their vote. Is it extortion, one wonders, that Mrs May is duplicitously relying on this fact?

The Conservative Manifesto has not yet been ‘costed’, unlike Labour’s Manifesto.

The term ‘Blue Labour’ has been in the news recently and I believe there is a group by that name. However, regardless of their remit, it caused me to wonder if the Labour and Conservative Parties would be better off swapping Leaders.

This General Election is not honourable, in that it includes only one route to continue with any Brexit vote, and there was no voice in Parliament to care about that point, when a vote was taken in Parliament to agree a General Election.

UKIP had no demographic seats (despite millions of voters), and everyone else wanted an Election to have an opportunity to bring the Conservatives down.

Mr Corbyn insists Brexit is going ahead, so now is his chance to steal Mrs May’s thunder, give a legal pledge they will continue Brexit via hard Brexit if necessary, and no single market, customs union, but seek a unique deal or walk away; then he could indeed be the next Prime Minister, once his stance on Trident and immigration are sorted out.

He has already voted for all these things in the last Parliament after all. Otherwise, the nation loves the rest of his Manifesto – renationalisation, no University fees, etc.

Will either Leader be brave enough to seize a glorious moment, I doubt it.

Mr Corbyn, to paraphrase advice given to King Charles I by his Private Secretary, when Oliver Cromwell left his offer for the King to remain in power, but Parliament to have its own Sovereignty and Powers independently of His Majesty; ‘Never was a Crown so nearly lost yet so easily saved.’

If you wish to become Prime Minister, then the above stance is the only way it can be achieved, and you know that is true. The King refused, and we know the rest. Ego is a luxury nobody can afford to have.





Hazel Speed

Photo (c) Hazel Speed – used by kind permision to Tuck Magazine

Hazel Speed is a Philosopher, Writer, and Artist with various creative projects at differing stages of development. Her flaship project is an animation which has produced a film short: She has also written an E-novel, ‘Just Suppose…!‘ which is available via the attached link.

Art sites:


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