Why The Prime Minister Should Stay

October 9, 2017 Opinion , OPINION/NEWS , POLITICS , UK

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Hazel Speed


Mrs May has to remain as Prime Minister for a variety of crucial reasons – and no, I am not a signed up member of the Conservative Party, nor do I agree with some of her policies!


First of all, regarding all the scheming from disgruntled and unloved malcontents in her Party, she could well retort ‘Et tu Brute.’

OK, so she made the wrong call regarding the General Election, so on that, the moaners and groaners should ‘get over it’.

As to the unfortunate events during her speech to conference, the lack of security, a dodgy set (which looks more planned than accidental), and loss of her voice (due to a schedule of about 27 prior interviews), are all factors beyond her control when carrying out her duties as Prime Minister and adhering to her advisors.

As Mrs May began losing her voice, she would have realised that whatever she did, or did not do, would be used against her and either way, headlines would be envisaged.


It was also unnecessary to learn one commentator had said it was the worst speech in history.  Many would think that such unworthy remarks were just that, and it says more about someone uttering such a statement than it ever would about Mrs May herself.  It was not even an accurate remark, and related to events around the speech but not the speech itself.  Most cruel and the comment was meant to wound further.

Politics is a vicious environment at times.


Why then do I think that Mrs May should stay as Prime Minister?


Consider the metaphor in any other walk of life – one could be a CEO of a Company, and your car breaks down, so you either use public transport or take a taxi.  If public transport – there may be roadworks causing delay to get to the office or meeting, then the tube train may be rerouted or have an incident holding up the journey; if travelling by taxi, it could be that the driver is new, satnav may be faulty, broken, and your journey involves travelling a longer way round, or the taxi suffers a tyre puncture.  Would that mean you would subsequently lose your job?  Should you?  Of course not.

Alright, Mrs May is the Prime Minister, and that makes a big difference.

Whether we voted for her or not is irrelevant to the issues at hand.


What she has achieved for this country from day one has been incredible, commencing with huge political success during her first visit to The White House.  Even that was sullied because the media made the claim that President Trump and Mrs May were holding hands, when in reality he was hardly holding the tips of a few fingers to steady her as she descended some steps.  Once again, her advance recce team should have walked the course and realised potential political dilemmas.

Thereafter, even the Speaker of The House of Commons exceeded his remit and reinforced some unpleasant voices by inferring The President would not be welcome in the UK.

Mrs May has put an excellent Brexit team together, and if she left her Office now, then all their efforts and delicate negotiations thus far (plus considerable Parliamentary time), would be negated.

It is being said that Mr Barnier is in private talks with Mr Corbyn and Co in case Mrs May resigns and the Labour Party comes to power via another General Election.  He is concerned that Brexit negotiations/agreements so far will be honoured!

That is enough to start us all coughing.

One wonders if this is the key point of current unrest, i.e. so that the Referendum vote can be overturned.  After all, the general, and literal Opposition, have tried every other trick in the book.


Even if Mrs May did step down for a successor, who would that be?  Now is not the time for the obvious candidates to put their names forward, and I do not think that they would want to either.  For everything there is a season, a time.

Mrs May has to see the UK through Brexit.

The Office of the Prime Minister should not be equated to the role of a football manager, only valued if all goes well, whether they are to blame or not if their team loses a match or two.

Whoever the personage at No 10, surely they deserve loyalty and respect, whichever political Party they represent.


Ruth Davidson‘s timely intervention in support of Mrs May was spot on the money and surely ‘when’, and more importantly ‘if’ post Brexit the Prime Minister herself determines whether there is an opportunity to continue, or pass the baton to a younger generation, then I think Ruth Davidson will be a great successor and obviously the right person to handle any emergence of old Scottish debates which may not, by then, be led by Nicola Sturgeon, SNP and current First Minister of Scotland, who no doubt looks upon Ruth Davidson as her nemesis.

As to the current Westminster based Conservative back benchers, when are they (and all others hurling insults against our Prime Minister), going to remember the meaning of respect once more, and renew the inherent pride that once was part and parcel of being British.

After all, not too long ago in history, they were supposed to set the moral standards for the rest of us to try and emulate for the betterment of ourselves and our nation.

Perhaps the current ills of society could be due to emulating the wrong examples by so-called ‘betters’ on the Conservative back benches, which, of course, mainly replicates their shortcomings.





Hazel Speed

Photo (c) Hazel Speed – used by kind permision to Tuck Magazine

Hazel Speed is a Philosopher, Writer, and Artist with various creative projects at differing stages of development. Her flaship project is an animation which has produced a film short: www.thepinkprofessor.com. She has also written an E-novel, ‘Just Suppose…!‘ which is available via the attached link.

Art sites: www.candystoreart.comwww.terrificart.comwww.artbadges.co.uk

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