Beyond The Picture

November 21, 2017 Opinion , OPINION/NEWS

Mikaala Shackelford photo



Selorm Adoboe



We want to grow up and what next?

We want to have a car and a house!

We get that and the next time, we want to get a bigger one!

Oh! My God I can’t wait till I get married and what next, we want to have kids!

The kids come and we begin to struggle!

Today is fees and tomorrow is hospital bills!


Time passes by and none of us can boast of beauty as was in the days of our youth! Cos even if we do, our bones will not support!

The saddest part is: a new set of generations come and it will be like we never knew what was life!

Our mansions we put up become outmoded and our names become unknown just like we all cannot mention the names of our third generational grandparents.


We are only remembered as inventors and revolutionaries and that’s if we would ever become one!

Even as revolutionaries we should leave very great legacies before we can be remembered!

Even with that, only few people will remember us!


It’s really sad but if you think it makes no sense then try remembering the following inventors!


1) who invented the use of light that you use everyday?

2) who invented the use of the phone?

3) what of the internet?

5) the shoes on your feet?


What about the Founder of Burkina Faso? Only its citizens may know!


So what is the swag and brag about your life?

Who do you think you are that makes you feel big?

Can you tell how many times you breathe?

Can you even remember how many times you ate to be you?


You see; Life in itself has nothing to offer cos it will all fade away!


Life is just a picture and I urge you all to look beyond its mere appearance because there is more in life than LIFE





Selorm Adoboe

Selorm Adoboe is a student of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Selorm is a talented singer, a writer and a motivational speaker!

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