Climate Change and a Possible Solution for a Better Future

December 7, 2018 Environment , Opinion , OPINION/NEWS , OTHER




Anna Kucirkova



Climate change is a change in climate variables, especially temperature and rainfall that occur gradually in a long period of time between 50 to 100 years. Furthermore, it ought to be noted that the changes are brought about by human activities (anthropogenic), particularly those linked to fossil fuel consumption and over-land.



Causes And Impacts Of Climate Change


Using coal, oil and gas to generate our electricity and petrol, along with diesel and kerosene to power our transport, has dumped billions of tonnes of the carbon dioxide formerly trapped as fossil back into the atmosphere. This has led to the globe being influenced by a “greenhouse effect”, where some of its radiated heat is reflected back from the atmosphere to the surface.


The oil industry understands that this effect makes the planet warmer than it would otherwise be expected to be if it were simply receiving and reflecting the sun’s energy. This extra heat is causing ice to melt, which will raise sea levels and the weather patterns to change.



Greenhouse Effect


The greenhouse effect is made stronger by the concentration of some gases in the atmosphere, notably carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide and halogens also known as CFCs. Collectively these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases or GHG for short and each has an impact on the amount of extra heat that the atmosphere retains.



Solutions to Climate Change


Wind Energy


In the olden days, windmills were used for grinding grains and for drawing water. At present, wind energy is used in a few places to generate electricity, and the feasibility of a more widespread application of this use is being studied. As with solar energy, the high cost of setting up the necessary equipment, and the large area required are drawbacks.



Solar Energy


Solar energy is a source which has immense potential. It derives it’s energy from the sun and can be put to a variety of uses. Solar panels are utilized to capture and store solar energy. A practical application to which solar energy has found widespread use is in solar water heaters. Though at present, the cost involved in setting up the required equipment for solar power is high, it is expected to reduce in the future with improved technology.



Ocean Energy


Extracting power from the waves and tides of the ocean is another source of clean and renewable energy. The to and fro and up and down motion of the waves, and the movement of the tides are being utilized for generating electricity.



Hydro-electric power


This is a source of power which utilizes the energy of the flow of water from mountains and dams. Electricity in a number of places is currently generated from hydro-electric power.



Biomass Energy


The man has always used wood as fuel. Some plant and tree extracts can additionally be utilized as fuel, and research on the large-scale application of this energy, called biomass energy, is being done. Ethanol is a plant derivative which is used as fuel in some places. Bio-fuel is a renewable source of power, which causes less discharge of greenhouse-gases, & is much more economical than the other renewable energy sources. Currently, studies are being conducted to study the viability of large-scale utilization of this fuel.



Nuclear Energy


The energy produced by splitting an atom, or nuclear fission, is utilized to produce energy. This is a renewable source of energy and the one which finds most practical application, as an alternative to the current use of coal, oil and natural gas. One drawback of this form of energy is the enormous amount of nuclear waste which is produced as a by-product.



Geothermal Energy


This form of energy generation utilizes the heat produced within the earth’s crust which causes steam and water to boil. Electricity can be generated by this energy.





Though the global-climate is hit by a complex scheme of natural-processes, global-warming is the main reason for contemporary climate change. Decreasing our dependence on fossil-fuels by utilizing the above-named solvents, consequently lowering greenhouse-gas-production is the most important action that humans can take to minimise climate change. Visit here for more





This article was originally published by the RIAC and is reproduced with their kind permission





Anna Kucirkova

Anna Kucirkova works as a copywriter. She speaks 3 languages, loves traveling and has a passion for kids and writing. While she has been to many places in Europe and South East Asia, she still wants to explore the rest of the world.

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