
April 4, 2019 Poetry , POETRY / FICTION

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Ananya S Guha




Rising Euphoria



Let wars be our war time

and peace the war zone

if we change the two into

one word,

we have war peace

which is a drum beat

of leaders, with a world

poised to watch the victor


Let wars be the battle

let us gun for untruths

Pulwama was one

and we are riding on

dead men, cattle and

Dead horses

by the time nuclear talk comes.


We are riding on cattle

the veritable battle for

bombs to explode

and a rising euphoria.






Ananya S Guha

Ananya S Guha was born and brought up in Shillong, North East India. He has seven collections of poetry and his poems have been published worldwide. They have also been featured in several anthologies. He is also a columnist, critic and editor. He now is a Regional Director at the Indira Gandhi National Open University and holds a doctoral degree on the novels of William Golding.

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