Hazel Speed
At this sombre time of remembrance for those (in all wars and conflicts) who gave their lives, and still do, and others who suffered life-changing injuries, including mental and emotional scars, not just physical ones, so that you and I might live in freedom and peace, then it is with further great pride that the restrictions which FIFA wish to impose on Friday’s football match between England and Scotland, disallowing the wearing of memorial poppies, is going to be totally and utterly ignored, the players and supporters wearing suitable arm-bands in honour of those who gave and still give, the ultimate sacrifice for the rest of us.
To have done any other way would have brought shame on the UK and other countries of the world who share our values and beliefs.
Ideally, the team shirts with the poppy logo would have been preferred but I believe a black armband with the poppy symbol etched thereon is the only compromise the teams and their respective managers, coaches, medics and support staff are willing to make.
Please also read the links within this article, all of which are self-explanatory, as well as that from the Blackadder series (Going over the top), one that should be shown on the screens in the stadium together with the moments of silence followed by the hymn Abide With Me, given its poignant history and association also.
We will Remember them – and honour with pride, who gave their tomorrows so we could have our today!
Hazel Speed
Photo (c) Hazel Speed – used by kind permision to Tuck Magazine
You always make a reader sit up and think. Thanks Madam Hazel Speed