Mike Maguire photo
T R Poulson
Just A Shithole Ghazal
We all live by contracts and forms contrived in the shithole
or of it, as in Dude, we’ve arrived in the shithole.
In the beach potty, green and white, I lost my phone
and asked myself, What lifeforms thrive in the shithole?
My best friend dated a man from the ghetto, a running back,
and in mid-July, she dared me, Let’s drive in the shithole.
Look: the girl with a library book, the man with a cane, the old
lady with orange and pink lilies. They survive in the shithole.
At three AM, I dig through strewn Hallmark cards for lost
bloodstone earrings, a bird bracelet, deprived in the shithole.
A cartoon on the floor, a two-story outhouse: management
on top, us on the bottom. Backs turned, to knives in the shithole.
My roommate replaced the black phone she broke
with a white one. We begged, can you forgive in the shithole?
On the farm, my father moved that storm-whipped structure
transformed for tools: hooks, a shovel, a sieve in the shithole.
In the remodel, toilet-shopping I went. Lowes salesman
named John, throne of porcelain, I invested $95 in a shithole.
I signed disclosers, loops from T to N, dropped my pen,
told my Realtor, Get me out of this dive in the shithole.
Z is for Zero
for Sue Grafton
Back then, allured by the alibi,
we dodged the proverbial black-masked burglar,
the cat thief at midnight, then found the corpse
of love turned dire. Consider the deadbeat.
We, the good girls entangled by the evidence:
He’ll fracture your heart and be your fugitive.
We lured the villain, beguiled the gumshoe
Follow me! It led to hope, not homicide,
to the other side of Idaho Street, where the innocent
stumbled in pot smoke as fallen Jedi, and judgement
loomed, unknown. Dude, that was killer!
The lucky girls could flee from the lawless,
find the alibi, and when mocked, the malice,
when big hair flew and fell, neat as a noose
and we learned, love is only for the outlaw,
or is it? Pastor taught us to pray for those in peril
on the sea, or at the water’s edge. We found the quarry
where riffs of metal would ricochet
off distant stone cliffs, followed by silence,
and the time-torn signs, Do Not Trespass,
clanked, upturned, against poles. No undertow
in the vegetation-choked pond. With a vengeance
we want back those years we spent, wasted
on algebra exams. We sought the value of X.
Yes, we know. That was yesterday.
T R Poulson
T R Poulson, a University of Nevada Alum, lives in San Carlos, California. Her work has appeared in Verdad, Trajectory, J Journal, The Meadow, The Wildcat Review, New Verse News, and the Raintown Review.
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