Nana Arhin Tsiwah
Are you a sojourner who seeks solitude out of stupor or one who looks for spaceless elements to find a part of their lost selves; or perhaps, does your heart seek the beauties of life that fuels the soul?
Like Brymo’s “Dem Dey Go”…
“Once upon a time; some people come together; agreement between one another”
“We are born; and then are gone, nobody lives forever”
“It’s alright; and then it’s none, freedom is a kind of prison“…. These are the deific streams that Brymo’s Klitorism preaches and encodes into the mind and soul of the music critic and consumer whose ears get glued to the lyrical component of the masterpiece album, Klitoris.
After a week of carefully consuming Brymo’s critical album, Klitoris, from morn to sundown, I am now more convinced why Nana Antwi Boasiako kept insisting that I get the album as a platinum cover for my device. From “Billion Naira Dream“, “Happy Memories“, “Naked” through to “Mirage“, it can be argued without a flinch of doubt that the epic Afro-literature upon which the artist built his lyrics are profound and provokingly unmatched. The first track, “Dem Dey Go” is golden— rare lyrics that are memoired in a refined glare. “Mirage” is a mind blowing peanut that melts under the tongue; simply cumbersome to wholly describe what it actually stands for, like a magical spell!
The highly positivism cum jazz-like infused beats make the rhythmic maturity of this album a classified scholarly material of Poetry, Music, Cultural, Afrocentric, Aesthetics and Anthropological glory. For any good consumer of music, it would seem quizzical at some point trying to narrow the varied verses on the album to other greatest music legends from our continent, Africa.
What makes “Klitoris” more exceptional and a glorious gift of Art work to have emerged from Africa in the last decade is its ability to retell the very simple African stories in concrete Poetic and melting yet high-end lyricism distilled on fledged consciousness. If there is any album in the last decade of the 21st Century from Africa that gives every listener a bite for satisfaction and spellbind, then Brymo’s “Klitoris” is one huge brain work to that merit.
The semblance to the old tremendous legend, Fela Kuti of Nigeria and Ghana’s fresh breed, Worlasi is what makes Brymo’s Klitorism a heroic quest that positions itself into an autopsy of African Literature yearning for particulate meanings masterful of its own muscles. For me, it isn’t about the songs alone that makes me fulfilled after listening; it is about the curiosity behind every single line dialectically versed into this fine album.
Brymo’s “Klitoris“, an 11-track album is simply an eclectic nostalgia of literature cosmetics that can be sipped under palm wine and barbecued grasscutter meat.
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