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Hazel Speed
Liberal Democrats – what can be said about Tim Farron‘s Manifesto?
What many cannot understand, is there a point in declaring that a vote for the Lib-Dems will give a voice on the final Brexit deal?
If The Prime Minister is re-elected, then it will be a case of the ‘public’ not getting any vote, although Parliament wishes to have one, and Theresa May did promise to tell Parliament about any final deal, who knows what will happen then, especially if the Conservatives have a huge majority in Parliament.
Tim Farron is promising something he cannot deliver – it is not within his remit (unless he were to be elected as Prime Minister via a Lib-Dem landslide vote), so that is deceit at best. It is not going to happen.
Would you vote for someone if they had their own redundant argument within a Manifesto?
Mr Farron has been told on camera, a number of times by adults, that they ‘did’ know what they voted for re their Leave Europe vote, and they ‘did’ give Mrs May permission to proceed as she is doing. Does Mr Farron know what he is doing, what he is voting for.
Just because a person disagrees with another, does not in itself mean that they are ignorant of their own thoughts and actions. Those who contest that, are just, well, ‘ignorant’!
Mr Farron’s Manifesto – another promise. Regarding the vote for 16 year olds, it depends on each individual 16 year old, as political understanding and maturity extends beyond flat-packing throughout Europe, which is why many were relieved that 16 year olds could not vote for the Brexit Referendum last year.
What do most of them know about the relevant ‘historic’ and ‘future’ issues which apply to every generation, not just theirs and within all the EU Countries, the potential threats and interactions, relevancies even today of WWI and WWII (as well as world conflicts since and ongoing).
What do they know about The Falklands, Gibraltar – Northern Ireland issues and history of each. What do they know of Britain before it joined the EU/then called the Common Market (with a different remit). Do they know any of that?
Do they realise there are about double or more Commonwealth Countries throughout the world, than the countries of Europe, and that our own Queen is head of that Commonwealth Family of Nations?
Prior to the UK joining Europe, our trade deals were with those Commonwealth Countries until the times of Mr Heath and Mrs Thatcher, the then Conservative Party, who ‘sold the Family Silver’ selling the people of the UK a European ‘pup’. We are lucky that Commonwealth Countries are still there waiting to return to deals with us!
How many 16 year olds can know, measure and think deeply on all these issues when most want to live for the moment (which is natural, up to a point). It is understood there are anomalies of what 16 year olds are legally allowed to do also, and thankfully these issues keep being addressed and modified in law if it is thought the same is required.
Do 16 year olds care about most things that adults, of all ages, discuss and worry about – as to their needs too? They should, whether a country is either in or out of Europe. How many young teenagers imagine themselves as being older one day, and they do not know what their circumstances may be.
Intriguingly, Lib-Dems do not seem to want to know what 16 year olds think about the family of UK Countries – Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland.
Mr Farron’s Manifesto declares ownership of houses rented for over 30 years. Retrospectively, or just for the young? The Lib-Dems may be trying to include the young, which is admirable, but at the exclusion of all other age groups, seemingly. Political Parties should not speak for one age group alone.
I was going to refer to more aspects of the Lib-Dem Manifesto but as I write this article I am watching Andrew Neil of the Daily Politics Show interviewing a Liberal Peer (Lord Newby) and summing up the situation for me ‘what is the point of going through the Manifesto if you are not going to form a coalition or win a landslide victory’, Andrew Neil suggesting it was just as a guide to show voting points in Parliament perhaps.
References to the remaining lost soldier in the jungle still fighting not knowing the war was all over, were utilised to tease until even Mr Neil’s co-host, Jo Coburn, intervened at one point as the verbal jousting continued.
Ah well, with repeated religious questions hurled at Tim Farron from the media in general, as older generations used to say, “There’s always the Church” (Instead of a military career)…
Or a political one!
Hazel Speed
Photo (c) Hazel Speed – used by kind permision to Tuck Magazine
Hazel Speed is a Philosopher, Writer, and Artist with various creative projects at differing stages of development. Her flaship project is an animation which has produced a film short: www.thepinkprofessor.com. She has also written an E-novel, ‘Just Suppose…!‘ which is available via the attached link.
Art sites: www.candystoreart.com, www.terrificart.com, www.artbadges.co.uk.