3 responses

  1. Numb from this messed up world
    August 3, 2020

    Thank you Sarah for having the brass ones to say what others are way too timid to express.
    On many different encounters I’ve had the displeasure of having these Grumpie Trumpies cuss at me for no other reason due to my skin tone (Black/Latino mix), on one occasion this crank pot actually pulled a pen knife out and threaten to cause me harm because in his eyes I’m not considered ‘Human’. Wow!


  2. Bert Cisneros
    October 31, 2018

    Sarah, an addendum to my previous comments to you: it’s always good to read your thoughts on any subject. but you forgot to add Hispanic/Latino men. We’re part of the mix too, you know. After all, we are 2nd in the US as far as population. We outnumber our African-American brothers. No jealousy, however most people don’t know we also suffer from the old white man’s bigotry and have ever since the white man first set foot on our lands. Keep the good stuff coming.


  3. bert
    October 31, 2018

    Sarah, as usual your eloquence is only surpassed by your clarity of thought. I am proud to know you and your heart.


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