1 response

  1. samir sardana
    June 13, 2020

    The GOI has announced it today,that it has crossed 10000 cases – at 10996 cases.dindooohindoo


    By July 2020 – the daily death toll in India – will be the highest in the world

    By September 2020 – Indians who are cured today,will be re-infected

    By September 2020 – India will rank at No.3 in Total cases

    By June 2021 – India will rank at No.1 in Number of cases

    By July 1st week 2020 – India will have the highest number of daily cases

    By October 2020 – the food supply chain will break down,and there will be food riots

    In November and December 2020 there will be a false flag operation,and the start of a war which will bury India – forever.

    If the cases in IRP – Islamic Republic of Pakistan – are not under control,by August 2020 – the cataclysm for India,could occur sooner.

    It is a classic case study,of doom

    But the Indians,still have NO CLUE.There is no Cure.The Indian Fools do not get it.The Doctors are just suppressing the symptoms (or trying to – on guess timates),in the hope that the immune system,will recover (as COVID hits the immune system – aka HIV link). Hence,the virus might still exist – and migrate to te lower tracts,or JUST RE-ENTER LATER – as there is no CURE AND NO VACCINE – to PREVENT A REINFECTION (unlike smallpox,chickenpox etc.)

    There is NO HOPE of a vaccine and EVEN IF IT COMES – the immunity potion and methodology, WILL NOT LAST – for sure.There has never been a Vaccine for a respiratory INFECTION or for an infection – which destroys immunity (aka-HIV).And so,there will EITHER be no COVID vaccine,or it will fail.

    Indians are a reservoir of diseases – a race of weasels and supines – as a consequence,of those viruses – which were not fatal.This is what led to their mental and physical slavery,for 2500 years.

    This virus is for their TERMINAL TERMINATION. I look at the wonders of nature.For 2500 years,the viruses destroyed the DNA and potency of Indians,South Asians and East Asians – and led to their slavery,to races from Colder regions,of the world – and now,this virus will terminate the South and South East Asians (by disease, hunger,civil war and anarchy).

    Cold temperatures are ideal for the Human DNA,Human Brain and Human Sexual and Physical Health.In history,the races from the Colder regions have ruled the world – always – w/o exception. Even within nations,you can easily sense the difference – say,between North and South Chima,North East Asia (DPRK/Nippon/ Korea/ Taiwan) and South East Asia.Even on matters of intellectus and theosophy or or spiritualism – North East Asia adopted Mahayana Buddhism (and see where they are) and South East Asia and South Asia,adopted Hinayana Buddhism and Hinduism (and they are in a rut)

    Look at the Islam of the Indonesians ! Is that Islam ? It is bogus ! Same for the Christians of East and South Asia !

    In essence,Indians and South/East Asians,are a race with poor DNA/genes – and a burden on the earth,and its resources (besides Thai hookers and Thai cooks). They were slaves in the past 2500 years, and will now,always be pawns – manipulated by the USA,PRC, Russia etc.The time has come to end the misery,of the Indian destitutes – mangled by the Indian State and the Indian Elite.

    Take the example of North and South America.However, South America is still a paradise compared to South East Asia.It is all about being,on the right side of the Equator.

    Indians are ALREADY treating the DEAD BODIES,as worse than Garbage !


    In 20 days from today,the health infrastructure,in India, will collapse,and people will be dying,on the roads.

    People will refuse to bury the dead – and will drag, decomposed dead bodies,:on the streets


    This ain’t “Nature at work” – because the virus is a “Thinker”. It kills NOT by disease ALONE.It combines with it chaos, riots,anarchy,civil war,hunger,starvation, economic disaster …. And it does not end there.Each of these,leads to more “incidental viruses and plagues”- due to a breakdown of the government machinery, sanitation, sewage,industrial wastes and the health infrastructure. Dovetailed with that,is the virus attacks on agriculture as the implements, complements and supplements in the agri-supply chain will disappear,and the crop infections – will increase in a geometric progression.

    A Great White Shark,with White skin and pink lips, who smoked a cigar uttered the following gospel – as his revelation,to the world – which the world seems to have ignored,or pretends to ignore :

    Allow me to present H.E.His Holiness,His Magnificience, His Opulent OmniPotence – Mr Winston Churchill


    “I hate Indians”.

    “They are a beastly people with a beastly religion,” he had said.


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