5 responses

  1. kumarathasan
    July 4, 2018

    The hidden plan f the Sinhala Buddhist Government, Buddhist Clergy, Maha Sanga and Sinhala Buddhist extremist to make Sri Lanka a BUDDHIST SINHALA COUNTRY is exposed. The pogroms against the Tamils in 1956, 1958, 1961, 1971, 1977, 1981, 1983 and until now shows very clearly the mindset of the Sinhalse leaders and Buddhist Clergy. In Sri Lanka the Maha Sanga is in supreme power. Even the Prtesident cannot go against them even if they promote racism, hated against the Hindu/Christian/Muslim Tamils.
    The international Community and UN now understand this and the Sri Lanka cannot get away without implementing the UNHRC Resolution of 30/1.


  2. Aru
    July 1, 2018

    Any efforts to regain the dignity and rights of tamils living all over the world is welcome. A full autonomous federal system may be the way to start this process (and eventual self governance) and could be acceptable to all national and international leaders and governments.


  3. K.Anaga
    July 1, 2018

    The 1977 general election was almost a’ referendum’ where the Tamils over overwhelmingly voted for a separate state for them. But the JR’s Government created a communal riots immediately after the elections and there after 1983 which shook the world. But the world did not do anything tangible to restore the rights of the Tamils at least in a federal form. There after when the LTTE almost reached some form of separation of powers, the word governments including India, America UK and others backed the Lankan government and was partly responsible for the murder and mayhem of the Tamils. UK in particular was responsible for the Tamils plight as they did not restore the status quo of the Tamils who had a separate kingdom of their owns until the invasion by them. Hence, even though a referendum is a peaceful way of feeling the pulse, will the world support it. Hippocratic approach is the order of the day, whether it is Palestine or Kashmir. While not being negative if it could be done well and good.


  4. Suntha
    July 1, 2018

    It has been a real master plan by the Govt. to make it a Sinhala Buddhist country since Independence , the resistance by the LTTE delayed the final implementation, after the defeat of the LTTE they are now in the process of accelerating the implementation. The only resort left for the Tamils is to beg for mercy having tried non violent and violent methods to safeguard their rights and land


  5. S Siva
    June 29, 2018

    An interesting article with full of facts of Eelam and global ground situation of many legitimate freedom struggles and people’s struggle for autonomy, freedom and sovereignty through referendum in order to live in peace and harmony as regimes failed to uphold rule of law.

    Colonial blunders are abundance that deprived many races’ freedom, dignity, respect, identity, human rights and sovereignty. Colonial mockery resulted in majority race to commit crimes against humanity on minority races and enjoy culture of impunity. Rogue regimes commit war crimes, state terrorism, genocide and human rights abuses as they accuse/blame legitimate freedom struggles as terrorism.

    Western nations’ and International community’s inability, incompetence, inaction or collaboration to many rogue regimes resulted mass human sufferings of minorities and those who demand for Justice, Equality and Rule of Law. While illegal invasions by powerful nations not only destroyed invaded nations but also created massive exodus and movement of people as refugees. World is witnessing a massive refugee crisis in EU, Australia, US and Canada and likely to change these nations and politics in the future. Dissatisfied citizens voters are isolating politicians who are incompetent, insensitive and failed to act in the best interest of the nation and cast their vote to leaders who has extreme views and Right wing policies. World is changing rapidly due to mass movement of millions of victims as refugees due to failure of UN, International Community and their governments. Instead of put an end to oppressive regimes that commit crimes against humanity and/or separating nations like it was prior to Western colonialism or illegal occupation, UN and International Community just watching the refugee crisis including many deaths in sea.

    UN formation is a failure, biased, mockery and undemocratic as it does not represent all races equally and veto powers to five nations expose that without powerful nations support, nothing can be achieved or no Justice to victims. Many long struggles for Justice, accountability and Rule of law going on for several decades as UN continues to fail and it’s importance and respect is diminishing. Nations should have scientists and secure Nuclear weapons if they want to protect them from bullying and powerful countries. We see the respect and importance was given to North Korean young leader due to its possessing Nuclear Weapons although it is poor and isolated by many nations.

    No wonder that recently Indian federation has been rated as the worst for women by Globally recognized Reuters Thomson survey and International Community must force Indian federation to dismantle it’s powers by allowing autonomy referendums in Tamil Nadu, Manipur, Punjab, Kashmir and other states. Indian forces are allegedly committing one of the worst human rights abuses on earth in Kashmir including blinding people by spraying steel pallets, commit sexual abuses, rape and murder of women and children while boasting it as the largest democracy on earth. Indian federation and Malayalee mafias allegedly collaborated to the Sri Lankan regime to commit genocide against Tamils.

    When we look at the crisis in many nations, failure of UN and International Community to ensure Law and Order, Accountability, Justice, one may wonder whether we live in a civilized world. This all result in simply due to incapable, corrupt, inhuman, power greedy and incompetent leaders making decisions. Citizens are impatient, losing confidence in current leaders and this may result in casting their vote to leaders with extreme views that can be detrimental not only to their nation but also to the world. Many failed world leaders and politicians are in shock when frustrated US voters preferred, voted a non-politician, self-made billionaire as their leader. Only time will tell us about voters decision.

    Civilized world has to unite and put an end to 70 Years of state sponsored oppression, terrorism, human rights abuses, war crimes and genocide by holding a referendum in Tamils’ homeland Eelam that was merged with Sinhala land by the British colonialists for easy administration. Britain should plan a pivotal role in holding this referendum and that hopefully end Sinhala Buddhist hate crimes, abuses, denial of rule of law and justice!


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